Books Recommendation

Best Books on Discipleship: Walking with Christ


Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ? Discipleship is not just a mere religious practice; it is a lifelong journey of walking with Jesus, growing in faith, and becoming more like Him

Discipleship is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and a deep desire to grow in faith. When we choose to become disciples of Christ, we are essentially saying that we want to walk in His footsteps, to live as He lived, and to love as He loved.

In Matthew 4:19, Jesus says to His disciples, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This verse emphasizes the invitation to leave behind our old ways and follow Jesus wholeheartedly. It requires a willingness to surrender our own desires and align our lives with God’s purposes.

Walking with Christ means surrendering our will to His, allowing Him to guide our thoughts, words, and actions. Luke 9:23 “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

Discipleship is a vital aspect of the Christian faith, and through these books, you will gain valuable insights, practical guidance, and inspiration to walk closely with Christ.

Key Takeaways:

  • By reading books on discipleship, you can strengthen your understanding of what it means to walk with Christ.
  • These books offer principles and practical tools to help you grow in your faith and become a dedicated disciple.
  • Deepen your relationship with Christ by learning from the experiences and teachings shared in these books.
  • Each book in our selection provides unique perspectives and valuable lessons on discipleship.
  • Start your discipleship journey today and transform your spiritual walk with the guidance of these insightful books.

Understanding Discipleship

Understanding the essence of discipleship is crucial for every believer as it shapes our journey in walking with Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20 – Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Discipleship can be defined as the process of following and learning from a master or teacher. In Christianity, it refers to the lifelong commitment to follow Jesus Christ and become more like Him in character, actions, and attitudes. As disciples, we aim to emulate Christ’s teachings, values, and love in our daily lives.

Understanding discipleship requires recognising its significance in our spiritual growth. Through discipleship, we deepen our relationship with God, grow in our faith, and develop a sense of purpose. It is not merely about acquiring knowledge but rather about applying biblical principles and living them out in our interactions with others.

Discipleship also serves as a means of nurturing and mentoring others in their faith journey. As we grow as disciples of Christ, we are called to walk alongside fellow believers, providing guidance, support, and encouragement.

The Call to Discipleship

One of the key aspects of discipleship is the call to follow Jesus. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus says to His disciples, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This verse emphasizes the invitation to leave behind our old ways and follow Jesus wholeheartedly. It reminds us that discipleship requires a willingness to surrender our own desires and align our lives with God’s purposes.

Another powerful verse that speaks to the call of discipleship is Luke 9:23, where Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” This verse highlights the sacrificial nature of discipleship. It challenges us to prioritize our relationship with Christ above all else and be willing to bear the difficulties and challenges that may come our way.

The Cost of Discipleship

Discipleship is not without its challenges. Jesus made it clear that following Him would require sacrifice and commitment. In Luke 14:27, He says, “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” This verse reminds us that discipleship is a lifelong journey that requires perseverance and a willingness to endure hardships for the sake of the Gospel.

Furthermore, in Matthew 16:24-25, Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

These verses emphasize the need to let go of our own desires and surrender to God’s will. They remind us that true discipleship involves selflessness and a willingness to put God’s kingdom above our own ambitions.

The Rewards of Discipleship

While discipleship may involve challenges and sacrifices, it also comes with great rewards. In John 8:31-32, Jesus says, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” These verses highlight the freedom that comes from knowing and following Jesus. They remind us that discipleship leads to a deeper understanding of God’s truth and a life of spiritual freedom.

Another verse that speaks to the rewards of discipleship is John 15:8, where Jesus says, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” This verse emphasizes the importance of bearing fruit in our lives as followers of Christ. It reminds us that discipleship is not just about personal growth, but also about making a positive impact on the world around us.

Features of Discipleship

Discipleship is a multifaceted and dynamic process that involves various aspects, including:

  1. Biblical Study and Training: Engaging in the systematic study of the Bible, deepening our understanding of God’s Word, and learning how to apply its truths in our lives.
  2. Prayer and Spiritual Discipline: Cultivating a consistent prayer life, developing spiritual disciplines, and seeking communion with God.
  3. Community and Fellowship: Being an active member of a supportive Christian community where believers mutually encourage, inspire, and challenge one another in their faith.
  4. Mission and Service: Using our gifts, talents, and resources to serve others, share the love of Christ, and make a positive impact in our communities and the world.

By understanding the true essence of discipleship and embracing its principles, we embark on a lifelong journey of transformation and growth. It is a journey that requires commitment, humility, and perseverance, but one that holds the promise of spiritual fulfilment and a deepening relationship with our Savior.

Essential Discipleship Principles

These principles will provide a foundation for your spiritual growth and walk with Christ.

1. Wholehearted Commitment

Essential discipleship principles should start with a wholehearted commitment to following Christ. This involves surrendering our will and desires and submitting ourselves fully to God’s authority. As Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). This requires a genuine devotion and willingness to prioritize our relationship with Him above all else.

2. Intentional Study and Reflection

To grow as disciples, it is crucial to engage in intentional study and reflection on God’s Word. Regularly immersing ourselves in the Bible allows us to gain a deeper understanding of His character, His teachings, and His plan for our lives. As we meditate and reflect on Scripture, the Holy Spirit works within us to transform our hearts and minds, shaping us into faithful followers of Christ.

3. Genuine Community

Discipleship cannot be nurtured in isolation. Building relationships with fellow believers is an essential aspect of our spiritual growth. Engaging in genuine community enables us to support and encourage one another, share our experiences, learn from each other, and hold each other accountable. As the Apostle Paul reminds us, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

4. Servant Leadership

Following the example of Jesus, discipleship involves embracing servant leadership. The Lord calls us to use our gifts and talents to serve others humbly and selflessly. As Jesus stated, “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:26).

By serving others, we reflect the love and compassion of Christ, and through acts of service, we become instruments of His grace in the world.

5. Continuous Growth

Discipleship is a lifelong journey of continuous growth and transformation. It requires a willingness to embrace change, receive correction, and seek personal growth. As we walk with Christ, we should strive to become more like Him , growing in maturity, wisdom, and spiritual depth. This growth happens as we remain rooted in prayer, study, worship, and obedience to God’s Word.

By embracing these essential discipleship principles, you will lay a strong foundation for your spiritual journey. Remember, discipleship is not a destination but a lifelong pursuit of becoming more like Christ.

Recommended Books on Discipleship

As disciples of Christ, it is essential to nurture our spiritual growth and deepen our relationship with Him. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through reading books on discipleship that offer valuable insights, practical guidance, and impactful perspectives.

Below, we have carefully curated a selection of recommended books on discipleship that have proven to be influential in the lives of believers. Each book provides unique perspectives and valuable lessons on walking with Christ and becoming a faithful disciple.

Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live.” by David Platt

    • Focus: Platt emphasizes the radical nature of true discipleship, calling Christians to abandon a superficial faith and fully commit to following Jesus. He explores what it means to die to self and live for Christ, offering practical steps for living out this commitment. Read more

“The Cost of Discipleship” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    • Focus: This seminal work contrasts “cheap grace” with “costly grace,” emphasizing the deep commitment and sacrifice required to truly follow Jesus. Bonhoeffer’s insights are drawn from his experiences and theological reflections during the rise of Nazi Germany, making it a powerful call to serious discipleship. Read more

“Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples” by Francis Chan

    • Focus: Chan’s book is a practical guide for believers to become disciple-makers. It emphasizes the importance of personal discipleship and encourages readers to actively mentor others, thereby multiplying disciples in the church and beyond. Read more

“The Divine Mentor: Growing Your Faith as You Sit at the Feet of the Savior” by Wayne Cordeiro

    • Focus: Cordeiro advocates for a daily, personal encounter with God through Scripture and prayer. He introduces the SOAP method (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) as a practical tool for spiritual growth and mentoring others. Read more

“Discipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ” by Greg Ogden

    • Focus: This workbook-style resource is designed for small groups or one-on-one discipleship. Ogden covers foundational Christian beliefs and spiritual practices, providing exercises and discussions to deepen one’s faith and disciple others. Read more

“Mere Discipleship: Radical Christianity in a Rebellious World” by Lee C. Camp

    • Focus: Camp challenges Christians to embrace a radical, countercultural discipleship that aligns with the teachings and example of Jesus. He critiques modern Christianity’s compromises with secular culture and calls for a return to the transformative power of genuine discipleship. Read more 

Why Choose these Books

These books have been chosen for their exceptional content that inspires, challenges, and equips believers to live a life of discipleship. Whether you are a new believer seeking a solid foundation or a seasoned follower of Christ looking to deepen your walk, these resources will guide and inspire you on your journey.

By exploring the teachings and experiences shared within these books, you will gain practical wisdom, biblical insights, and actionable steps to apply in your daily life. They provide the tools and inspiration needed to become a true disciple of Christ and carry out His mission in the world.

Remember, discipleship is not a one-time event but a lifelong commitment to following Jesus. These recommended books will serve as valuable resources that will continue to inspire and empower you throughout your journey.

Recommended Books on Discipleship

Book Title Author
Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live. David Platt
The Cost of Discipleship Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples Francis Chan
The Divine Mentor: Growing Your Faith as You Sit at the Feet of the Savior Wayne Cordeiro
Discipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ Greg Ogden
Mere Discipleship: Radical Christianity in a Rebellious World Lee C. Camp


In conclusion, Discipleship is not just a one-time decision; it is a lifelong journey of wlking with Christ.  The Bible remind us of the call to discipleship, the cost involved, and the abundant blessings that come from growing in our relationship with Him. May we be inspired by these verses to embrace discipleship and live out our faith in a way that brings glory to God.

By understanding the concept of discipleship and essential principles we can deepen our journey in following Christ faithfully.

These resources will guide and inspire you to grow in your relationship with Him and become a true disciple. Start your discipleship journey today with these invaluable books.

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