Children's Books

Kids Bible Stories: Engaging Tales for Young Minds

Teaching children about the Bible is an important part of their spiritual development. Bible stories for kids not only entertain kids, but also impart valuable lessons and teach them about faith, love, and morality.

In this blog post, we will explore some popular and meaningful Bible stories that are suitable for children.

“Jesus and the Lions’ Den: A True Story about How Daniel Points Us to Jesus” by Alison Mitchell and Catalina Echeverri

In Jesus and the Lions’ Den, Mitchell and Echeverri connect the Old Testament story of Daniel’s miraculous deliverance from the lions’ den with the narrative of Jesus Christ.

The book highlights the prophetic and symbolic elements of Daniel’s story. It draws parallels to Jesus’ own life, teachings, and ultimate sacrifice. Through engaging storytelling and illustrations, young readers are encouraged to see the Bible as redemptive work of Christ.

This book help children understand how the events of the Old Testament foreshadow the coming of Jesus. Check it

“The Biggest Story Curriculum: Box Set” by Don Clark

The Biggest Story Curriculum by Don Clark is a comprehensive educational tool designed for children. This curriculum, with its vibrant illustrations and engaging activities, offers an approach to biblical education.

It is a companion to The Biggest Story Bible Storybook and is intended to reinforce key biblical concepts. It does this through a variety of interactive lessons and creative exercises. The curriculum is designed to be both educational and entertaining for children.

It serves as an invaluable resource for parents, teachers, and churches seeking to provide a robust and engaging biblical education. Check it

“The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible” by Jared Kennedy and Trish Mahoney

Jared Kennedy and Trish Mahoney’s The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible is an essential resource for introducing young children to the core narratives of the Gospel.

The book is written in a simple language and complemented by colorful and engaging illustrations. This story Bible takes readers on a journey through the life of Jesus, from His birth to His resurrection. Each story is carefully crafted in a way that is understandable for young minds.

The book is designed to lay a solid spiritual foundation. It encourages children to build a lifelong relationship with God as they grow in their understanding of His word. Check it

“The Friend Who Forgives: A True Story about How Peter Failed and Jesus Forgave” by Dan DeWitt and Catalina Echeverri

The Friend Who Forgives by Dan DeWitt and Catalina Echeverri offers a touching exploration of the theme of forgiveness through the lens of Peter’s denial of Jesus and the subsequent forgiveness he receives.

The book highlights the humanity of Peter—his fear, his failure, and his ultimate redemption—making the story deeply relatable to young readers. Echeverri’s illustrations bring the characters and emotions to life, while DeWitt’s storytelling emphasizes the transformative power of grace.

This story teaches children about the unfailing love of Jesus and His willingness to forgive, even when we fall short. Check it

“Seek and Find: Old Testament Bible Stories: With Over 450 Things to Find and Count!” by Sarah Parker

Sarah Parker’s Seek and Find: Old Testament Bible Stories transforms the experience of reading Bible stories into an interactive adventure for young readers. This book invites children to explore well-known Old Testament stories by searching for and counting over 450 hidden objects within the illustrations.

As they engage with the stories of figures like Noah, Moses, and David, children also develop important cognitive skills such as observation and counting.

This unique format makes learning about the Bible both fun and educational, fostering a deeper engagement with the scriptural narratives while enhancing critical thinking abilities. Check it

“The God Contest: The True Story of Elijah, Jesus, and the Greatest Victory” by Carl Laferton and Catalina Echeverri

In The God Contest, Carl Laferton and Catalina Echeverri present a thrilling retelling of the stories of Elijah on Mount Carmel and Jesus’ resurrection, illustrating the ultimate triumph of God. The book draws parallels between these two pivotal events, showing how both stories demonstrate God’s power and sovereignty.

Echeverri’s dynamic illustrations capture the intensity of the divine contest and the joy of God’s ultimate victory, making the narrative both visually and emotionally impactful.

This book encourages children to trust in God’s power and to understand that the victory over sin and death has been won through Jesus Christ, reinforcing the message of faith and hope. Check it

“Jesus and the Very Big Surprise: A True Story about Jesus, His Return, and How to Be Ready” by Randall Goodgame and Catalina Echeverri

Randall Goodgame and Catalina Echeverri’s Jesus and the Very Big Surprise offers a delightful and thought-provoking story about Jesus’s return. It emphasizes the importance of being prepared for His coming.

engaging storytelling and bright, colorful illustrations, the book teaches children about the unexpected nature of Jesus’ return and the joy that will come to those who are ready.

It emphasizes themes of anticipation, preparedness, and joy, encouraging children to live with a sense of expectation and readiness for the return of Christ. The story serves as a gentle reminder of the hope that Christians have in Jesus’ promise to come again. Check it

“The Biggest Story Bible Storybook” by Kevin DeYoung and Don Clark

The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by Kevin DeYoung and Don Clark is a visually collection that brings the Bible’s stories to life for children. The book covers a wide range of biblical narratives from Genesis to Revelation in accessible and engaging way for young readers.

Don Clark’s illustrations are bold and vibrant, adding depth and excitement to each story. Kevin DeYoung’s retellings are crafted to resonate with children.

It is a valuable resource for families seeking to instill a love for Scripture in their children. Check it

“Bible Stories Every Child Should Know” by Kenneth N. Taylor

Kenneth N. Taylor’s Bible Stories Every Child Should Know is a classic collection of essential biblical narratives, carefully curated for young readers. This book includes stories from the Old and New Testaments and written in simple and clear language for children.

Each story is accompanied by vivid illustrations that help bring the narratives to life. This timeless collection serves as a foundational resource for teaching children about the key events and characters in the Bible. Check it

“30 Prophecies: One Story: How God’s Word Points to Jesus” by Paul Reynolds

Paul Reynolds’ 30 Prophecies: One Story explores the many prophecies in the Bible that point directly to Jesus. This book takes children on a journey through the scriptures. It reveals how these prophecies form one unified story that leads to the life and mission of Jesus Christ.

The book helps young readers understand the continuity of God’s plan for salvation and the central role of Jesus in that plan. This helps children see the Bible as an inspired text that reveals God’s ultimate purpose. Check it

“God’s Very Good Idea: A True Story of God’s Delightfully Different Family” by Trillia Newbell

Trillia Newbell’s God’s Very Good Idea is a celebration of diversity and unity within the family of God. The book shows that God uniquely creates each person and that our differences are part of God’s grand design.

Newbell talks about the importance of love, acceptance, and unity. She emphasizes that all people are valuable and that God’s family is delightfully diverse. The story encourages children to embrace and celebrate differences.  It reminds them that God’s love is for everyone and that we are all part of His very good idea. Check it

“The Child’s Story Bible” by Catherine Vos

Catherine Vos’s The Child’s Story Bible is a comprehensive retelling of the Bible, crafted specifically for young readers. This book covers the entire biblical narrative. From Genesis to Revelation, it presents the stories in a way that is both accessible and engaging.

The language is simple making it an excellent resource for children who are beginning to explore the Bible. The book features rich illustrations that bring the stories to life. This makes it easier for children to understand and remember them.

The Child’s Story Bible has blessed generations of families and remains a valuable tool for teaching the Bible to children. Check it

“The Promise: The Amazing Story of Our Long-Awaited Savior” by Jason Helopoulos and Rommel Ruiz

The Promise by Jason Helopoulos and Rommel Ruiz is a beautifully illustrated book. It highlights the significance of Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s promises throughout the Bible.

The story guides children through the scriptures, from the fall of man in Genesis to the coming of the Savior. It reveals how God’s plan for redemption has unfolded since the beginning of time.

The book highlights God’s faithfulness and the hope we find in Jesus. The illustrations make it a memorable and impactful resource for teaching children about the fulfillment of God’s promises in Christ. Check it

“The Storm That Stopped” by Alison Mitchell and Catalina Echeverri

The Storm That Stopped by Alison Mitchell and Catalina Echeverri tells the powerful story of Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Thus, demonstrating His authority over nature. This book brings the biblical account to life with vivid illustrations and engaging storytelling. They aim at helping children understand the significance of Jesus’ miraculous power.

Again, it teaches children about the importance of trust and faith in Jesus, who is able to bring peace and calm in the midst of chaos. Check it


These carefully selected books serve as invaluable tools for introducing children to the rich narratives and profound truths of the Christian faith. Each book, through its unique approach, helps young readers explore the Bible. It also help them understand its teachings, and develop a deeper relationship with God.

These resources offer parents and educators powerful ways to nurture a child’s spiritual growth. Together, they provide a comprehensive foundation that not only educates but also inspires a lifelong journey of faith and discovery.

Bible stories for kids are a wonderful way to introduce children to the teachings and values of Christianity

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